Nuits Sans Sommeil
Stories keep me awake at night
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Available on ARTE TV to buy or rent
Acquisition for a broadcast by Finland’s and Belgian’s national public broadcasting TV from 2021 to 2024.
“Jérémy van der Haegen’s film could echo deeply to many gay or queer men who lived that moment in their childhood when they were not sure about their gender belonging. But the qualities of STORIES KEEP ME AWAKE AT NIGHT go beyond this sheer identification with the young character. It is also a matter of how the story is told, in a subdued, naturalistic and true-to-life manner. There is an uncanny quality to the storytelling style of the film that places it at a crossroad between a (cruel) fairytale and a tender coming-of-age story.”
Head of the Jury Paolo Bertolin (Cannes Director’s Fortnight and the Venice Film Festival).
“We unanimously chose to award the press prize to a family chronicle in which desire and sexuality are embodied in a unique way in each of the characters. We were touched by the way the film seizes on a very contemporary subject and turns away from the social angle sketched in the first sequence to prefer the trouble of a fantastic atmosphere carried by a strong esthetic ambition.”
(Les Cahiers du Cinéma, Les Inrockuptibles, Trois couleurs, Bref, Le Cercle, 7 minutes de réflexion)
Best Director at the Drama International Film Festival 2021 (Greece)
Best film at FORMAT COURT 2021
First Prize Best Actor for Vidal Arzoni at the Rhode Island International Film Festival (U.S.A)
“Honorary Mention for narrative consistency and precise form, perfectly illustrating the universal desire for freedom.”
Special Mention of the Jury Le Court en dit Long (Paris)
Best short movie at belgian Festival International de Mons 2022
Honorary Mention Cherry Pop International Film Festival Zagreb - 2022
Pre-selection best fiction short movie 2023
Vidal Arzoni
Jessica Batut
Alyssia Desmeth
Sébastien Vion
Florian Dubois
Jérémy van der Haegen
Cinematography and camera
Thomas Schira
Sound engineer
Bruno Schweisguth
Film editing
Thomas Vandecasteele
Sound designing and Mix
Set Designer
Léo Lagarde
Costume designer
Nousch Ruellan
First director assistant
Pauline Roque
First camera assistant
Caroline Guimbal
Chief electrician
Alice Vouland
Production manager
Noémie Duclos
Location manager
Marianne Knecht
Kid Coach
Claire Delahousse
Aurélien Bodinaux (Neon rouge productions)
Jérémy van der Haegen (After Hours ASBL)
With the help of the audiovisual and cinema centre of the French community of Belgium and Walloon Television distributors and the Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government.
© NRW SPRL Neon Rouge Productions 2020
Nuits Sans Sommeil
Stories keep me awake at night
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Available on ARTE TV to buy or rent
Acquisition for a broadcast by Finland’s and Belgian’s national public broadcasting TV from 2021 to 2024.
“Jérémy van der Haegen’s film could echo deeply to many gay or queer men who lived that moment in their childhood when they were not sure about their gender belonging. But the qualities of STORIES KEEP ME AWAKE AT NIGHT go beyond this sheer identification with the young character. It is also a matter of how the story is told, in a subdued, naturalistic and true-to-life manner. There is an uncanny quality to the storytelling style of the film that places it at a crossroad between a (cruel) fairytale and a tender coming-of-age story.”
Head of the Jury Paolo Bertolin (Cannes Director’s Fortnight and the Venice Film Festival).
“We unanimously chose to award the press prize to a family chronicle in which desire and sexuality are embodied in a unique way in each of the characters. We were touched by the way the film seizes on a very contemporary subject and turns away from the social angle sketched in the first sequence to prefer the trouble of a fantastic atmosphere carried by a strong esthetic ambition.”
(Les Cahiers du Cinéma, Les Inrockuptibles, Trois couleurs, Bref, Le Cercle, 7 minutes de réflexion)
Best film at FORMAT COURT 2021
First Prize Best Actor for Vidal Arzoni at the Rhode Island International Film Festival (U.S.A)
“Honorary Mention for narrative consistency and precise form, perfectly illustrating the universal desire for freedom.”
The Special Jury Mention meeting point - Valladolid 2021
Special Mention of the Jury Le Court en dit Long (Paris)
Best short movie at belgian Festival International de Mons 2022
Honorary Mention Cherry Pop International Film Festival Zagreb - 2022
Pre-selection best fiction short movie 2023
Vidal Arzoni
Jessica Batut
Alyssia Desmeth
Sébastien Vion
Florian Dubois
Jérémy van der Haegen
Cinematography and camera
Thomas Schira
Sound engineer
Bruno Schweisguth
Film editing
Thomas Vandecasteele
Sound designing and Mix
Set Designer
Léo Lagarde
Costume designer
Nousch Ruellan
First director assistant
Pauline Roque
First camera assistant
Caroline Guimbal
Chief electrician
Alice Vouland
Production manager
Noémie Duclos
Location manager
Marianne Knecht
Kid Coach
Claire Delahousse
Aurélien Bodinaux (Neon rouge productions)
Jérémy van der Haegen (After Hours ASBL)
With the help of the audiovisual and cinema centre of the French community of Belgium and Walloon Television distributors and the Tax Shelter of the Belgian Federal Government.
© NRW SPRL Neon Rouge Productions 2020